
Sometimes You Have To Trust Your Gut, Because Your "Gut" might Be The Holy Spirit Talking To You


Sometimes in ministry, there are times that you feel uncomfortable about something, but you can't seem to put your finger on it. Someone gives you a bad vibe, or you may feel unsettled. Listen as Gary recounts a situation at IBEM (Iglesia Bautista Evangelica de Marcoris) that unsettled Gary. Thanks to having a proper protocol in place and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, IBEM was protected from a potentially harmful individual. Listen in on the conversation as Gary and Jason talk about the importance of having proper policies, procedures, and protocols in place to protect the body of Christ. They also talk about the importance of being attentive to the Holy Spirit when He moves in our hearts regarding these situations.  This podcast will help you think through your policies and procedures to be sure you are protected from potential harm.